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Tyrone, United Kingdom
Fionakate live in rural Ireland where she can enjoy the simpler less hectic lifestyle, this gives her time to indulge in all her favourite passions from cooking to designing & drawing colouring books, photographing the beautiful scenery & plants, crocheting beautiful items, experimenting with various arts & crafts and writing books.

Sunday, 28 June 2020

How to Analyse Dreams

How to Analyse Dreams

I do a lot of Dream analysis for friends and family, I often open facebook to a private message with request asking 'What does this dream mean?' with a short (or sometimes) long description of some crazy dream someone has had.
I've been analyzing dreams for 20+ years and there is a technique to it, it's very easy once you know how!

If you wish to analyse a dream you firstly need to write down the dream the moment you wake up - don't wait! the sooner you write it down the more detail you will be able to remember plus if you leave it a few hours you often can end up either forgetting parts or adding bits!I would advise that you leave a notebook and pen next to your bed, it really does make the whole process easier!

Once you have your notebook and pen next to your bed you are ready. Let say you've woken up the next morning with a crazy dream in your head, it's still very vivid, grab that notebook and get writing....

You need to write down every single detail you can remember such as......
  • What happened
  • Who was there
  • What colours you could see
  • What you were feeling
  • Any symbols you saw
  • Any sounds you heard
Write down absolutely ever detail you can remember, the smallest detail often has the biggest meaning! (example below using picture above as dream)

Now you have your dream written down in as much detail as you can remember, you can go off and do what ever you need to do during your day until you have time to sit an analyse it.

When you do have a spare hour or so later, it's time to figure out what the message in the dream is. As you've written it all down it makes looking up each part so much easier. 
If you have a dream meanings book at home just look up each thing you remembered and write down what catches your eye when looking up the meaning, for example Floating .....
To dream that you are floating on air indicates satisfaction, contentment and acceptance of some situation. You are letting go of your problems and rising above obstacles. You are experiencing new-found freedom and gaining a new perspective on things. Nothing seems overwhelming or too difficult to handle. Alternatively, floating in your dream suggests that you are wandering through life aimlessly with no goals. You are just going with the flow.
From that you might write down - contentment, going with flow. carry down the list putting meanings to the items (if you do not own a book just pop over to Dream Moods and look up the meanings there)

Once you have your full meaning list you'll be able to see a rough idea of the meaning of the dream - obviously the image I have used as an example is all about being peaceful and happy, content being in a loving relationship, right down to the colours and feelings.
The interesting images are the letters which show the person dreaming is trying to understand how they feel emotionally, the books are a reminder not to judge a 'book by it's cover' in other words do not use past knowledge of relationships to judge this one and the palette is a reminder not to fear expressing ones true feelings. 

Analyzing a dream is that easy, it's just a matter of finding out what each image, feeling, colour etc actually means then putting the meanings together to bring forth a message. Why not have a try yourself, let me know in the comments how you got on.


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